Sunday, February 21, 2010


I really enjoyed all of her poems. I think my favorite lines come from "Quiet Evening". The last five lines read "So Penelope took the hand of Odysseus/ not to hold him back but to impress/ this peace on his memory:/ From this point on, the silence through which you move/ is my voice pursuing you." I'm not sure why I'm so drawn to these lines, but I am. My next question is about "Parable of the King". Why are the line breaks where they are? I asked myself this throughout the entire poem. When I read a poem, I always read it out loud-it gives you a better sense of the meter, which has a huge effect on a poem, just as much as the words themselves. So why are the line breaks done the way they are? And my final question is about "Circe's Grief". In my book the last two lines read "if i am in her head forever/I am in your life forever". Never mind how powerful that sentiment is-what I want to know is why is the i lower cased in line 15? I've searched for other copies, and all of the ones I found online (though not from the most reliable sources) have it capitalized, so I guess it could be a misprint, though what anthology misprints something like my question is why would it be lowercased? And what effect does that have on the poem?

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